Three Cute Cherries

Friday, April 27, 2012


CUTIE MUTIE ~FaatiNNasreeN~ at 4/27/2012 12:12:00 AM
suke benda comel2 kan?mungkin ini salah satu nya cara utk menarik minat anak2 anda utk makan makanan ape itu BENTO??
  • Bento can be very elaborately arranged in a style called
  •  kyaraben or "character bento". Kyaraben is typically decorated to look like popular Japanese cartoon (anime) characters, characters from comic books (manga), or video game characters. Another popular bento style is "oekakiben" or "picture bento", which is decorated to look like people, animals, buildings and monuments, or items such as flowers and plants. Contests are often held where bento arrangers compete for the most aesthetically pleasing arrangements.

  • There are similar forms of boxed lunches in the Philippines (Baon), Korea (Dosirak), Taiwan (Biandang), and India (Tiffin). Also, Hawaiian culture has adopted localized versions of bento featuring local tastes after over a century of Japanese influence in the islands.

sumber: wikipedia

so jika anda berminat dalam seni bento anda boleh lawat this website:=

antara hasil2 karya dalam website ni:

comel ape lagi..moh kita be creative!!

2 .::cuTe responds from cute friend::.:

caliph shuriken said...

seni bento ni mmg unik ^^

~FaatiNNasreeN~ said...

yups..huhu..menarik jugerps!!bg bekal kt anak2 bwk gi skolah mesti berebut kwn2 dia nak..


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