Three Cute Cherries

Monday, July 9, 2012

Italian job..yummeh..

CUTIE MUTIE ~FaatiNNasreeN~ at 7/09/2012 01:55:00 AM 0 .::cuTe responds from cute friend::.

owh i love italian language so much..u know it is the uitm policy that degree students have to take 3rd language to finish degree. i'm suppose just choose Arabian language because i was a religious high school ex-student but all the seniors said that Italian language one of the most easiest language to get A! of course for only 1.0 credit we have to choose the easiest one to score. but it s unbelievable exciting class i think..easy, relax n i luv Pier(the person in YeLLow batik) so much because he was good on what he's doing..he can speaks Italian(of coures=P), English and Malay!!

so last week the Prof. Enrico Buonaguro, the President of Istituto Superiore di Design, Napoli came to do a collaboration between his college and was an exciting meeting where i had met my faculty dean, Prof Amran for the first lame..because i'm not that type of student who gets well with the is an interesting event that i just wanted to share with my readers..hoping for a good luck when i'm applying to further study to Italy!!!amin!!!


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